Hi! I’m Sabian

People keep telling me I look young but have an old, wise mind. I’m just obsessed with intelligence & consciousness, human experiences, and storytelling

You can see how they’re connected, can’t you? Almost everything I do relates to these in one way or another

Who am I?

I’m a guy who grew up on science, tech, and games from Vancouver, BC, Canada, and I bet nothing you see about me, not my face, my first name, last name, nor my height (6’4″ / 194cm) would have told you that I’m half-Filipino

I enjoy science and tech a lot. When I was 10, my mom locked me out of my PC, but I hacked my way back in, then locked her out. The next time she tried logging in, she knew it was me. Hilarious

I love shows like Star Trek and Stargate, because of the idea of everyone getting past their differences, working together, and exploring new things

I like games like The Elder Scrolls and Dragon Age, because of their focus on immersive storytelling, exploration, and ability development, but funnily enough, I also like a game that has almost none of these: Kenshi

I always want to know what things are, how they work, and what can be achieved when they’re tweaked & assembled in different ways, because one of my biggest excitements is seeing more of what is possible

Most of my passions lie within (or at least can be related to) two main categories:

Cognitive science

A superfield that includes social & behavioural psychology, neuropsychology, linguistics, anthropology, AI, and other fields related to intelligence and consciousness


Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics: Everything from astrophysics to quantum mechanics, microbiology to the Gaia Hypothesis, to analog, digital, and quantum computing

I love seeing how all of these come together and can be applied in order to…

  • Turn conflict into understanding, connection, and growth

  • Improve the capabilities of people to learn and perform better for themselves, work together, and lead others

  • Create stories (and different ways to express stories) that attract, connect, excite, and inspire helpful action

  • Invent new approaches to seemingly impossible or infeasible problems, making them possible and feasible

And, I learn more about these every day, especially with insights of people I’ve been meeting along the way

What do I do?

I used to be afraid to share what I do, thinking it would seem “advertisey”, but thanks to the people I met on my journey, I realized what’s important is giving the people who are looking for help with what I do the chance to find me so they can get what they’re looking for

So, here are some of the things I do:

And, I’m working on long-term businesses which are parts of my much larger vision:

  • Ugeddit, an effective communication education & training company helping people make difficult conversations easier, build & grow happy relationships, and improve critical-thinking skills

  • (TBD) A media production studio covering everything from worldbuilding to storywriting, to storytelling in the form of musical compositions, TV series, videogames, you name it

  • (TBD) A hard tech company focused on finding new energy and transportation solutions within yet-to-be-discovered physics of space and time

I’m also passively working on side projects I’m excited about:

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