Today, I redid my daily routine, tweaking it to get me more into flow. It’s working nicely.
Also, I started playing a game called Kenshi, which is a surival/RPG/tactical game with almost no story whatsoever, but is a big sandbox of worldbuilding to play around in. I managed to survive not one but two large bandit raids of 5+ bandits each, including a leader, by having 3 people in my team and using them tactically focusing on one bandit at a time, using the 1st as a heavy warrior, the 2nd as a swordsman that flanks behind the bandits, and the 3rd as a nuisance running around and poking bandits and also shooting arrows at them from a distance.
For the 2nd bandit raid, we took out the boss first, by luring him to chase us into our moat, and once he was there, our archer shot him dead in the water, whose death then demoralized the remaining 4 bandits which then ran around in a panic for a while, before attempting to swim across the moat. Our archer took out 2 of them in the water, but two made it across. Once they did, our swordsman and warrior quickly engaged and took them out, leaving us victorious.